Dyeing Wool Top

I was given 1 pound (.45 kg) of Rosie’s Wool Cloud Top.

I dyed the top with a rusty brown acid dye solution 
combined with an ochre acid dye solution at a ratio of 3:1.

It’s been cool and damp here lately, 
so I decided to skip standing in my driveway dyeing with a campstove and 
instead use a microwave to set the dye. 
I only use this microwave for dyeing.

I then spun the wool top with my HansenCrafts miniSpinner Pro.

It has a bit of a halo, which was a surprise.
I love the color, which ended up spot on for what I was trying for.
I don’t think that I would buy this wool top-
it feels rougher than I would want,
 but I’m going to ply with some Targhee that I’ve spun.
We’ll see if it gets used…


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