Finished Objects-Knitting and Weaving

 In the past, I’ve forgotten to show some of my finished objects. 

This year I’m going to try to rectify that.

I finished my Ranunculus sweater that I’ve been knitting. 

I love the fit and the yarn combination.

I finished the Trillian scarves that I’ve been knitting.

I finished knitting the ribbed beanie that is a gift knit for someone.

I finished the kitchen towels that I wove, 
adding hanging loops and sewing the hems down by hand.

I finished knitting some fun Rollin’ Beret hats
 using handspun kid mohair from a farm in Ohio. 
I spun the mohair gently, 
allowing the curls to remain to achieve a soft, unique yarn. 
I then kettle dyed it with various acid dyes
 to achieve the color combinations that I wanted.

So much creative fun!


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