A Finished Skein and Dreaming of Another Handspun Cardigan


  • The Archangel Merino top has been spun into 370 yards of lovely yarn
  • It’s destined to be knit into a scarf sometime this summer
I’ve been knitting my Harvest Cardigan, just about to finish the first sleeve.
I like it so much, I wanted to knit another one.
So I measured out one pound (454 g) of Polwarth/silk top that I had on hand.

I soaked it overnight in a slightly acidic solution.

I mixed up two different dye solutions, using two parts of tobacco brown to one part of ochre.
One solution had twice the dye added to it.
I set the dye in a microwave that I only use for dyeing.

The Polwarth/silk top turned out just how I hoped that it would.

Each morning I’ve been spinning the lovely top, randomly adding some Tussah silk.
Can you picture the cardigan yet?
I can 🤗


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